
  • Cold Stl Viking Hand Axe

    Cold Stl Viking Hand Axe

    The historically-inspired Viking Hand Axe is a design collaboration between Lynn C. Thompson, and custom bladesmiths Dave Baker and Rich McDonald. The stout 30" American Hickory handle, extra broad and sharp cutting edge, hooking beard, and up-swept...

    MSRP: $59.99
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  • Cold Stl Trail Boss Axe

    Cold Stl Trail Boss Axe

    The Cold Steel Trail Boss is compact enough to carry all day in your hand or strapped to your pack, yet tough enough for chores that would make a hatchet or tomahawk scream for mercy. Featuring a European style head with a 4" blade and a 4 1/2" cutting...

    MSRP: $49.99
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